  Public Ticket #3463556
all my pages disappeared from Wordpress "pages" section


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    gianlucaper started the conversation


    while I was working on a page, uploading a YouTube video, inserting the link of it, the page got block and the website started to show the message that nothing was found. Then I checked and all the pages, all of them, disappeared completely from my website, the dashboard is still accessible, the website is up and running, the medias are all still present and the plugin all functioning normal, the database seems to be ok then, but the pages, all of them, that I set up in the last weeks, disappeared completely. Just the pages...the footer is still working normally, the header only partially, and the pages all gone.

    The whole menu is pointing to nothing now, since all the pages are gone...

    please help since I've lost the entire website basically...

    Attached files:  Schermata 2023-09-15 alle 16.41.12.png
      Schermata 2023-09-15 alle 16.35.07.png

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    gianlucaper replied

    More information:

    this happened after trying to simply linking a YouTube video, once I inserted that link, the page got blocked and when I try to save it, I had the message "access denied", then I went on the website's homepage and I've notice the message "nothing found", then I checked the dashboard and I saw that basically the only thing that happened is that all the published pages, except for one, that is still there but that I actually didn't even use, are completely gone, erased, disappeared, not even trashed, since they are not present neither in the trashed pages section...they are simply totally vanished 

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    gianlucaper replied

    I solved the problem asking to the hosting provider to restore a backup, but, why this happened? I would like to know it possibly, so to avoid that it happens again...thanks

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    Max replied


    I dont know exactly what happened, but from the screenshot provided, the pages in WP-Admin > Pages were deleted and put in your trash folder. Perhaps you just had to restore them...(instead of doing a full backup)


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

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    gianlucaper replied

    Hello Max,

    I didn't put them in the trash, I don't know what happened...anyway, it's solve...thanks!