  Public Ticket #3493832
Video Player


  • Phil started the conversation

    Hi, I purchased the Sonaar music theme that has both Solder Revolution and Essential Grid installed. 

    I’ve been away from WordPress for almost ten years.  So I had a developer from a different time zone helping to speed up getting this site built and hopefully shorten my learning curve. I’m new to Elementor, Sonaar, and both Essential Grid and Slider Revolution.

    The developer I hired  I’m not sure he knows your products well enough to know which is best for what purpose. I’ve been able to figure things out to make certain edits faster than he was able to do. So  it might be the blind leading the blind.

    He installed a video grid on the site. But its on the wrong page so I would like to move it. The problem I’m having is I can’t tell if its an Essential Grid template or a Revolution Slider template. I can find it VIA the Elementor editor but it doesn’t identify which plugin it is. Or can I see any sort of dropdown or setting to chooses its page. I’ve checked VIA the WordPress dashboard/Essential Grid or Revolution Slider and can’t find it there either.

    Attached is a screen shot of the video player I’m referring to. See under “Latest Video”

    1. Can you please tell me which plugin it belongs to?
    2. Also how to move it to a different page?


    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-10-07 at 11.04.17 AM.png

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    According to your screenshot, this is a Sonaar Video Playlist widget. Its not related to Essential Grid or Slider Revolution.

    The videos are pulled from WP-Admin > Videos


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Phil replied

    Hi Max,

     I'm new to Sonaar and I've been away from WordPress for a number of years. I do appreciate your help.

    I looked in Admin / Videos and those videos came with the theme. The video in the screen shot uses a link anyway. 

    I did find a Legacy Video player widget in the widget area. It appears its positioned by adding code. However the artist pages aren't listed as pages that I can check to see the code? Looking at the URL its a post, but there's no post listed with that artist's name. So I'm unable to find the artist page/post other than editing VIA Elelmentor.  But that doesn't provide a way to copy or move the player.

    Is there any  additional information on how to move or copy that player /widget to a different page? 

    As well as find the HTML editor for the artist pages/posts?

    Thanks Phil. 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Phil, 

    The video list shown on the screenshot you provided come from the Elementor Pro video playlist widget. 
    It is only avaible through the elementor editor and the Elementor Pro plugin has to be activated. 
    You can duplicate any elementor elements with copy / paste.

    To edit an artist post. please go to wp-admin>artist
    Select an artist post and edit it with elementor.
    If you dont like the artist template with the sidebar, be aware you can select a blank template here:



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew