  Public Ticket #3513734
Customising theme


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    Eughine Dunnion started the conversation

    Do I need separate tickets for each issue? If so, apologies.

    I have these few issues:

    01: I took the main background out from the theme, which was a picture, and replaced it with a solid black background. I'm trying to add a gradient effect, but can only see an option to change it to a solid colour, when in "Theme Options/look and feel". I don't see any way to change this.


    02: I have a "Projects" menu, that when you click on it, shows all the different groups/bands I'm in. It uses the "Essential Grid" function, that displays all the artists that I have entered in my artists tab, but, they don't appear in the order I want them to. They are in alphabetical order, and I want them in order of the importance I place on each project, as some bands I only have a couple of releases with, and some I have regular music coming out with, so would prefer them to appear first on the grid. I'm guessing there's an easy way to do it, but I can't seem to find it.


    03: Is there a way to name a playlist, and have that show when I add a playlist to an artist page via the mp3 player? I have named the playlist in my WP dashboard, but it doesn't show on the mp3 player widget, it just shows the album names of whatever track is currently playing.


    04: I can't seem to edit parts of certain pages. I want them to all have the same structure. For example, when I click on to my "News/Blog" (and all other menu tabs on the website), it looks like attachment 1. 

    But, when I click into my "Store" page, it looks like attachment 2 (how I want it to look on all pages, just with different pictures). I don't seem to have an option to add a background picture like I did on the store page, with the others.

    Attached files:  1.jpg

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Eughine, 

    No, you dont need to submit separate tickets.

    1) Sorry but no gradient option are available through the theme options. 

    2) You can select the grid order in the grid setting. Please go to wp-admin>Essential Grid.
    Click on the setting button from the grid you are using. 
    Click on the "Nav-filter-sort" And change the "start sorting by" option. Maybe you can try to order them by "date" and set every artist date the way you wanna order them. 

    3)I'm not sure I understand. The name of the playlist should be visible on the artist page player.

    4)The blog page is built with essential grid and I presume the shop page from the screenshot is the product grid from woocommerce. We are using two different tools, it will be difficult be difficult to have the same result. But you can try to set the news grid through wp-adim>essential grid to make it looks like the product grid. You cannot do the opposite because woocommerce does not offer many options to configure its grid.

    If you need more assistance I will glad to guide you but it will be easier for us to assit you if you provide your site url and if possible a login credential to the wp-admin.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

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    Eughine Dunnion replied

    1: No problem, is are there any custom backgrounds I can use with the themes pack? I just want something different than just a solid colour.

    2: I will try that grid order change now, thanks.

    3: I am manually adding an mp3 player widget to an artist page, and in the attached pic, you can see that it doesn't display the playlist name, but the album title of the track I am playing. I'm probably doing something wrong though.

    4: As this is just a staging website, through local, I don't think it's possible to give you access?. I think where I have gone wrong, is I've took a grid page example, and placed it as a menu item, and the other menu items don't have that feature, what a pity.

    Attached files:  Plist.jpg

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    Eughine Dunnion replied

    I've just imported my playlist to a new template, and the same thing happens. When I click a track from my playlist, it shows the name of the album that track is from. Is there a way it can stay the same throughout? So, for example, the playlist would be called "Applied Science Playlist", which would stay at the top regardless of what track is playing. The track info at the bottom will hopefully still show the album name. (pic 1 &2)

    Also, I'm sure there was a way to keep the track scroll function at the bottom a solid colour, but I can't seem to find it. (pic 3)

    Attached files:  pic1.jpg

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Eughine, 

    Can you please provide your site URL it will be easier for us to assist you if we have access to your site.

    1.  You can use a custom css but we are going beyond the scope of our support here. Please try this. Go to wp-admin>theme options>custom css/js
    And copy this code in the custom css field:


    #overlay {
    background-image: linear-gradient(#ff0000, #00ff00);

    3. Oh! You are using  the mp3 player plugin. This is the reason it is important to have access to your site. It is the only way get the whole picture. Sorry by this title will always be the album title. 
    But you have the option to hide the title, and you can insert a static heading above the player with the playlist post.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

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    Eughine Dunnion replied

    Hi Alexandre, sorry for the delayed response, I've been away all weekend. So, huge thanks for the gradient issue advice, I now have that to how I want it. 

    The mp3 player plugin title issue, I will look into that.

    The one major issue I now have is still #4, I want all my menu page backgrounds to look the same as I have on attachment 1. Maybe I have to add all the menu pages again, but use the woo commerce grid, so I can have the image background look the same on all website menu tabs?

    I don't think you can look yourself by having my website URL and login credentials, as this is only a staging site, and it's hosted by the local app on my PC.

    If there is a way around that, I'd be happy to provide you with that.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Enghine,

    I dont understand your request #4. 
    I think you forgot to attach the attachment 1. 

    It is not easy to share the website when it is hosted on your local computer. Are you planning to put it online soon?


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

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    Eughine Dunnion replied

    Hey Alexandre...I had a few issues, and when I tried to load a backup that I'd made, I had critical errors. I lost patience with it and uninstalled the whole thing haha. So, I'm starting again. I'm gonna take my time, and do things page by page I think.

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    Eughine Dunnion replied

    So, I'm gonna do things page by page. I have some questions I need help with, so I don't get into the same mess again lol.

    01: The menu items, I'd like them to display fully across the page, and not with some menu items appearing below the others. I'm guessing all I need to do is extend the length, so the other menu items don't drop down. I just can't seem to find out how to do that. (Pic 1).


    02: I want to have the same layout on every page, just with different pictures in the background. So, I like the way the background picture wraps fully behind my menu items, the way (pic 2) page lets me (I also can't find the page which lets me do that?). Is it possible to just add that page layout, for every menu? So, can I clone however many menu items I have with the same style background, and just rename them?. For example, I can clone the page layout, and just rename them, and put them as the main menu items on my website.

    So, at this point, I just want all my menu items (which will be: BIO, PROJECTS, EVENTS, NEWS/BLOG, STORE, CONTACT) at the top of the website page, all on one line.
    Then, when you click a menu item, it opens up a page, with the image fully behind the menu items (pic 2).


    03: I'd then like to just build the individual pages one by one, so, I'd like to then use the events grid 3 layout (pic 3), when you click the EVENTS menu item on my website, and the artist grid layout (pic 4), when you click the PROJECTS menu item on my website.


    04: Is it then possible to map out web page addresses for all this, so, I could have it as, for example: "djalkemy.co.uk/artists/applied science" if you clicked on the Applied Science artist pic, within the artist grid? and as another example, "djalkemy.co.uk/shop/digitaldownloads/appliedscience/weandthedevil" if someone wanted to download an mp3 version of an album I have.


    I hope that all makes sense. Also, thanks for your patience.

    Attached files:  1.jpg

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    Eughine Dunnion replied

    So, I have found out what page it is, that lets me have the image behind my menu, it's just the STORE menu page, so, could I just clone that page a bunch of times, and then edit each one to replace each of the menu items on my website?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Eugine,  

    I will do my best to guide you but as I have mentioned before, it is very difficult for us to understand your needs if I dont have access to the wp-admin. You really concider to move your site online. We will save lot of time.

    01: You have to set the column width to 100%


    02: You can set a different page background on everypage in the page setting. (see here)
    And set the menu over content here.

    03: I dont understand your request here. 

    04: What do you mean by 'mapping out web page addresses'? Are you asking for a method to generate a list of all page URLs?

    I have the feeling that my responses may not be of much help to you. I apologize for that. As mentioned earlier, it's easier to understand customer requests and find a solution when we have access to the website.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

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    Eughine Dunnion replied

    Hey Alexandre, I've made a lot of ground today, hopefully this will all make sense.

    "You really consider to move your site online. We will save lot of time" - That's not possible at the moment dude, as I already have a website that is online, so this one I'm building here, will take the place of the one I have, but only when it is ready.


    01: Yeah, I have set the column width to 100, but still it bunches up the menu items for some reason (pic 5).


    02: Thanks for that, but, what I did instead, was just clone the page that gave me the option to have the background pics exactly as I like them, so I have cloned multiple pages, and just edited the info (pic 6 & 7).

    * I was wondering, if there was a border I can place around the title that shows in the middle of the pictures 6 & 7, maybe with the background greyed out a bit, so the text doesn't become unintelligible if the picture behind it is too light.


    03: Apologies for not making sense on this point dude, I read it back, and it was hard to understand. This is now no longer an issue for me, as I am learning how to use the grids correctly.


    04: Yes. When I have built all the pages I want to use for my website, will I be able to make custom URL's for them?


    "I have the feeling that my responses may not be of much help to you. I apologize for that. As mentioned earlier, it's easier to understand customer requests and find a solution when we have access to the website" - Not at all dude, you've been extremely helpful, and I'm starting to really get the hang of things now.

    Attached files:  5.jpg

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Eughine, 

    1. Maybe you have to increase the section width or set it to fullwidth. (see here)

    2. No border option are available here.

    4. You can change page permalink when you want (See here)


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Eughine Dunnion replied

    Thanks Alexandre. All them issues are now resolved. 

    I've now moved on to the "Store" segment of my website, so have a few questions regarding this.

    01: How do I create a button, that acts as an "add to cart" function, so someone can add albums to their cart, and then checkout when they want to buy something? I'm assuming I have to set something up within Shopify, and then add some code? As that was what I did on my previous website, but, it seems there's some sort of buy/download function within some of the mp3 players on Sonaar, so wanted to check that first.

    02: I'm looking to add all my singles/albums in a grid list, where people can have a preview to the albums before they buy. Is the preview function available yet (where it'll play 30 seconds of music), as on the Sonaar Facebook page, an admin mentioned that was on the horizon?

    03: Is there any way to set an mp3 player grid, to display all the albums, similar to how I had them on my last website? (pic 8)?

    Attached files:  8.jpg

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Eugine, 

    Have you purchase the MP3 Player Pro plugin

    The MP3 player plugin is compatible with the Sonaar theme. The plugin's player will benefit from the theme's Ajax navigation.

    While the Sonaar theme doesn't provide additional tools for selling MP3s, the plugin offers several tools. There is an option to add an "Add to Cart" button. However, it's essential to note that all these tools are designed to be used with WooCommerce and not Shopify.

    The plugin allows you to create a grid, which is not a feature of the theme.

    Additionally, the new Preview functionality has been developed for the plugin and is already available.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Eughine Dunnion replied

    Yes, I've purchased the Pro Plugin.

    I'm not currently with Shopify, so I think I'll go with WooCommerce anyway. I'll go through the mp3 plugin settings now, and see if I can work out how to use the "add to cart" option.

    Is there any video tutorials for the new preview functionality? As I can't seem to find where the option is for that.

    At the very worst, in regards to mp3 downloads, I'm hoping I can store mp3 download folders on WooCommerce, then I could just add a buy/download button, linked to that product. 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Eugine,

    Now that I know you are using the mp3 player pro plugin with our theme, here are answers to questions you previously asked. I want to emphasize once again, even if it may seem repetitive, that if I had access to your site, I would have immediately identified the plugin usage, saving us time.

    01) In the woocommerce single product post setting you just need to enable the "add to cart button" opion.


    2) First, because you wanna sell tracks, use a single product post from woocommerce to set your mp3 instead of the track/playlist post. 

    To allow the product post to be use as a playlist post go to wp-admin>mp3 player>settings>General

    And check "product" as post type (woocommerce as to be installed)


    Be aware you have to create one product per track if you wanna sell track seperatly. The audio preview feature is now available. Learn More about this new featuew: https://sonaar.io/docs/how-to-add-audio-preview-in-wordpress/ Here a video about how to Create Beatstore with WordPress, Elementor and MP3 Audio Player Pro:

    3) to display the tack list as a grid, select the mp3 player element through the elementor editor. 
    Click on the "style" tab.
    Open the "tracklist" panel
    And select "Grid" as "tracklist Layout"


    This video can help you:


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Eughine Dunnion replied

    Hi Alexandre, yeah, I can't give access to the website, as it's not currently live, and hosted locally at the moment. If there was a way for me to do it, I definitely would, and appreciate you patience with me.

    Okay, so, I have installed WooCommerce, and have a few questions regarding the products I will be selling.

    What I want to do is, sell fully downloadable albums. So the customer would have a preview of the tracks, and then, if they like it, they can add to cart? 

    01: Would it be better to sell downloadable RAR files that are sent to their email? If so, is there a way to do this, as when I try to add a rar file to my media section of Wordpress, it doesn't allow that.


    02: If I want to allow the customer to just buy a single track off an album, I'm guessing it's by doing what you said here: "Be aware you have to create one product per track if you wanna sell track separately." - I just don't see where I can add the individual track price.


    3) When you said: 

    to display the tack list as a grid, select the mp3 player element through the elementor editor. 
    Click on the "style" tab.
    Open the "tracklist" panel
    And select "Grid" as "tracklist Layout"

    I think I didn't explain correctly, what I meant is, I want each album, to appear on a grid, and I have worked out how to do that, by adding a product in the WooCommerce section, then, I just add a WooCommerce product grid to my "Digital Downloads" page on my website (pic 9).

    I'm really close to how I want it to look, but I just want that product to be able to have audio previews of the tracks on the album. I can't work out how to do that, I have done the things you said

    "To allow the product post to be use as a playlist post go to wp-admin>mp3 player>settings>General

    And check "product" as post type (woocommerce as to be installed)"

    but as shown in pic 9, there's no option to have an audio preview. That's probably because I'm adding a WooCommerce product on the page, instead of an mp3 player widget, but when I add an mp3 player widget, I just get the layout like in pic 10.


    Attached files:  9.jpg

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Eughine,

    I recommend building your site directly online. You can set up a staging environment with your hosting provider to develop it. Once your site is ready, simply redirect your domain name to your new site. This way, you won't encounter any unpleasant surprises when you go live, as your site will already be in the intended environment. And you will be able to share your site to us during the development. 


    Compressing all tracks on a compressed file is the way to do it, but I recommend you to use zip format instead of rar. Zip is more used than RAR. In addition, unlike a RAR file, it is possible to import a Zip file by default into the WordPress media library.

    But note that it is not necessary to locate your files to download in the library. You can enter a URL that leads to the file in the woocmmerce product field "downlable files"

    As you want to sell albums and tracks individually, you need to create a product post for each track and also one for the album. Each product will have its own price.

    You can use the shop template from WooCommerce if you want, but I recommend at least trying the grid from the MP3 player. See what you can achieve with the MP3 player widget here: https://templates.sonaar.io/rebirth/.

    However, if you want to set up the WooCommerce product grid with a player, please go to wp-admin > MP3 player > settings > WooCommerce > WOOCOMMERCE SHOP LOOP/ARCHIVE PAGE and select a 'player position.



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Eughine Dunnion replied

    I will contact my host, and get my site online in a staging area.

    01: That's great, cheers.

    02: Okay, so I'm guessing there's no way to just upload an album, have it play through the mp3 player, and have the individual tracks available for download, with their own price?

    03: Do I get Rebirth template with the MP3 Music Player Pro Version  –  Business + Templates Addon?

  •  1
    Eughine Dunnion replied

    So, I have the my "Digital Downloads" page started, but I'd like the layout/filter options, if possible, to be that the customer can search for an album or a single, can search by artist, and if possible, instead of all the tracks from an album showing on a grid like in (pic 11), I'd like it to show the album cover, and just have a player button in the middle of the album cover, where you can go to the next track etc.

    I'd like all the albums to appear next to each other, and just have a download option (or add to cart).

    Attached files:  11.jpg

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Eughine, 

    2)Okay, so I'm guessing there's no way to just upload an album, have it play through the mp3 player, and have the individual tracks available for download, with their own price?

    If you are asking if you can upload all tracks from the same album in the same product post, the answer is no. In fact, yes you can, but this is not what you want. You need one product per element you are selling.

    3)Rebirth have to be purchased separately

    4)With custom field and the mp3 player widget you can filtering the track list almost has you want. 
    Here a video tutorial about how to do it.

    To set the tracklist layout as a grid, please edit the mp3 player element through the elementor editor.
    Click on the "style" tab.
    Open the "track list" panel.
    And select the "grid" layout here.



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Eughine Dunnion replied

    Hi Alexandre, thanks for your continued patience.

    The best way I can describe how I want my layout, is as close to how I have it on my current website.

    This is the digital downloads page on my current website: https://djalkemy.co.uk/digitaldownloads 

    I'd like it, if possible, to operate the same way, or as close to, that page above.

    I don't want all the tracks from an album, to show as a grid, I'd like the album cover displayed, then just have a track play, previous track, and next track icon, so the customer can listen through to each track, on that album, and decide if they want to purchase it.

    Filter wise, I'd like to have 



    Then, just a search bar underneath that.

    Apologies if this is not possible.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Eughine, 

    I don't have a perfect solution for you that covers everything you need.

    The MP3 player's grid layout displays one grid item per track, which is not what you're looking for. You'll be able to achieve your goal with the WooCommerce product grid (the WooCommerce shop page layout) if you're only selling full albums, not single tracks.

    You might come close to achieving your desired result by building a custom grid with Elementor Pro and the Sonaar MP3 player, but this goes beyond the scope of our support.

    The straightforward approach would be to manually create a grid by placing one player element per album, but I'm uncertain how you'll manage search and filtering.

    Alternatively, consider using the carousel feature instead of the grid. You can find an example here: https://sonaar.io/mp3-audio-player-pro/music-player-for-wordpress/examples/#sliders. Under the carousel, you can display a tracklist with all tracks from all players. This way, you should be able to achieve the search and filtering you're looking for.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    Eughine Dunnion replied

    Yeah, I doubt I'm gonna get it exactly as I wish. So, I've been looking through the different options within the Moonlight theme I have, and I noticed the "Music - Filters" page has a layout that I like. The problem is, I deleted that page not long after I installed the theme. Is there a way of re-adding that page to use in Wordpress? Hopefully I can do that without having to re-install everything?