  Public Ticket #3517348
Podcast plugin & Transcript


  • Laurent started the conversation

    Hello Sonaar peeps,

    I've just taken a look at your audio plugin, and I see that you offer timestamps and audio chapters.

    Do you intend to stop there, or would you like to go further and allow podcasters or audiobook authors to add transcripts synchronized with the audio player?

    What I'd personally like to see:
    - a click on a sentence in the transcript causes the audio to jump to the right moment (and vice versa, a click on the player causes the transcript to jump)
    - the text of the transcript scrolls across the screen at the same pace as the audio (so the user doesn't have to scroll)
    - the transcript will integrate rich media (images, embeds from YouTube videos or Google Maps...) => managed via Gutenberg or the plugin itself?

    I've got a couple other ideas for features, but I won't go into too much detail at the moment.

    Looking forward to hearing from you,


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Laurent,

    Thanks for your input, we really appreciate.

    We base our development roadmap based on user requests. The more user requests we have about a specific feature, the quicker we will prioritize its development.

    Currently we only support TTML (Timed Text Markup Language) like its used for lyrics in spotify by example.

    You can generate TTML file here https://lyricpotato.com/

    The result can be similar like our lyrics player you see here:https://sonaar.io/mp3-audio-player-pro/music-player-for-wordpress/examples/#textual
    See screenshot: https://drops.sonaar.io/i/UrkMmH  + https://drops.sonaar.io/i/6OZioU

    Ive noted your request and if other user requests this feature, we will add it on top of our roadmap.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Laurent replied

    Thank you for the links, Max, that's interesting.

    Regarding the modes related to the files 1.png and 2.png attached, your reply appears to say that we have abolutely no control over the styling, spacing, text size and color... If I'm right, then it's definitely not something I want to use.

    However, I like what I see in the file 3.png also attached but:

    1- Do I have full control over the content around these timestamps (to style the text and add rich media as mentioned in my first message)?

    2- Can what triggers the timestamps be anything (such as an SVG icon if I prefer to use a speaker icon rather than a timestamped text)?

    3- Is the content around the timestamps edited in Gutenberg?

    4- Can you point me to a video of your channel where you show how the timestamps and content around are handled in the back office? I searched for the words "timestamps" and "timestamp" on your YT channel without success (https://www.youtube.com/@maxfromsonaar8313/search?query=timestamps)

    5- Can we use a website builder to edit the content around timestamps? I don't see why we couldn't but I'd rather be sure.

    6- Can I add hundreds of timestamps on a single webpage without causing any lag of the player and webpage?

    7- Could you also think about adding a feature where the website owner defines specific moments in an audio file where the player should automatically stop (and the user would have to click on "Play" or on a (the next) timestamp for the file to resume)?

    8- Or (in connection with 5- above) can this be handled by partitioning an audio file into chapters (or similar) that are not in autoplay?

    9- Since you are able to synchronize the text and the track in the file 2.png mode (at least from audio to text), how hard would it be / how long would it take you to make this feature available for the timestamped text on the webpage?

    That's all fo now.



    Attached files:  2.png

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Regarding the modes related to the files 1.png and 2.png attached: For the lyrics, you don't have controls over the spacing..you can customize the styling (colors, fonts, size) by using custom CSS only.

    1) Yes. timestamps are a shortcode that can be used everywhere in a text editor. Documentation here.

    2) Yes. you can also start the player at a specific time with images and by using custom JS. Documentation here

    3) Yes

    4) See documentation above. we don't have YT video for this feature yet.

    5) Yes

    6) Yes

    7) If other user requests this feature, we will add it to our roadmap.

    8) I don't understand..elaborate please

    9) Its not possible at this time. would be relatively complex to develop.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Laurent replied

    Thank you Max.

    Forget what I said about 8.

    I just played with the demo https://sonaar.io/mp3-audio-player-pro/podcast-player-for-wordpress/examples/#playlistlayout and realized that the first link ("Chapter 01: Introduction") doesn't work properly.

    It launches the player correctly when you click on it for the first time, but if you click again later, the audio jump doesn't happen (unlike with the two other links).

    Could it be because of the 00:00 timecode?

    Also, speaking of these links, if you add the feature allowing to pause the lecture at the end of the segment, is it possible that we can control it with a parameter in these links?

    For example: javascript:sonaar_ts_shortcode({ id:'760905', trackid:'0', time:'00:00', ts_id:'6554794183dd6', play_icon:'', autostop:"1" }) ;

    I know everyone battles for their own features and that you have to prioritize them to satisfy the greatest number, but if adding this feature + the highlighted autoscroll one had a chance of reaching your list of "Work in progress" or "Coming next", I would definitely be a buyer.



  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Unfortunately, as much as I would love to help you, this feature is not possible with Sonaar at the moment.

    On my end, I tagged this ticket as a feature request so that our development team can consider this option for a future update. If other users request it, we will surely add this to our roadmap.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Laurent replied

    No worries. Don't forget to fix the bug on your demo page (as explained in my previous message).



  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Its fixedsmile.png


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew