  Public Ticket #3518832
outdated instructions


  •   Chad started the conversation
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Chad,

    We have just released a new version (2 days ago). We have renamed "Playlist" by "Tracks", but we have not updated the videos yet. 

    When I see your page,https://drops.sonaar.io/i/fwbS20 I see a player with 3 tracks. Is is what you want ? Anything missing?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    I've been messing with this all day and I would highly recommend a new video tutorial.  I've got it so far except I can not figure out where to change the title of the playlist.  As you can see from my test page it says "The Winners Mindset" But I never wrote that anywhere,  I did see a place to put in a subtitle for the playlist which as you can see says:  How To Make Learning Simple"  which is what I want as the title.  I wrote this as the title in the post but it did NOT list it at all.  How can I fix this?  See link below and attachement


    Attached files:  Screen Shot 2023-11-09 at 4.38.47 PM.png

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    we automatically retrieve the ID3 tags of the MP3. If the ID3 tags are not set, we fallback with the post title.

    In your case, it looks that the MP3 has ID3 tags for the album tag. You can change or remove the album ID3 tag by editing your MP3 in the media gallery. see screenshot: https://drops.sonaar.io/i/0HEX6G


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    now I have another problem.  I've created 3 new playlists with different mp3s from my library and publish the posts then generated shortcode for each but for some reason it takes the last one or most recent published playlist and places that in all three pages even though they have different short codes.  Why is this happening?

  • Chad replied

    also does this software keep track of where the listener is on a particular track and when the log out and log back in it remembers where they left off and takes them to that point? 

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Chad,

    Could you please provide me temporary access to your WP-Admin (WordPress dashboard), I will gladly check the issue you have.

    I need to know where can I see the mp3 player shortcode you did.

    To create an access:

    1. Log in to your WordPress website using your existing administrator account.
    2. Navigate to the "Users" section and click "Add New."
    3. Fill in the user details, including a unique username, email address ([email protected]), and a strong password.
    4. Assign the administrator role from the dropdown menu
    5. Click "Add New User" to create the administrator account.
    6. Submit the username and password you have created, in this ticket.

    About the second request. Yes, you have to go to wp-admin>mp3 player>settings>sticky player
    And turn on the "continuous player" option


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    ok thanks here is the login details and urls that need to be checked:


    user: [email protected]

    pass: 7!Gdd&iz@B*R(TIyB9npVr8u

    I use Optimize press as my page builder but you can put the shortcode on any page and it will still duplicate the same result on every single page.  So instead of showing three different playlists on three different pages, it shows the same playlist on every page, even though the short code is different on every page.   Below are three pages with different shortcodes showing the same result.   I've uploaded a short video of how to see the shortcode on optimize press.  thanks for your help




    Attached files:  optimize-press.mp4

  •  678
    Alexandre replied


    The "albums" parameter of the shortcode can only contain the IDs of track/playlist posts. Multiple IDs can be separated by a comma. The error in your three shortcodes is that you have included a "title" ("intro," "set," and "how"). This part needs to be removed.



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    thanks but I simply followed the instructions from your documentation. Can you please share a link to the detailed instructions on how to do this?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Chad, 

    It seems like you're doing well. You now have three different players on your three pages. Do you still need guidance on anything specific?

    Keep in mind that it's much easier to use the MP3 player with the Elementor editor or Gutenberg. Manually generating the shortcode for a player can be tedious due to all the available parameters.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    I can't use those since I'm using optimize press for my shopping cart and course builder but I think I have it figured out except for one thing:  Is there a way to delete the ID3 tag so nothing appears without editing every single MP3 in the media gallery and deleting the album title?

  • Chad replied

    actually is there anyway to have the track name inserted into the album name again without having to add it everytime in the media gallery?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Chad, 

    In each track post setting, you can set track source file as "Local MP3" or "External Audio File". 
    For now you are using "Local MP3". When this option is enable, the track infos come from the ID3 tag. 
    Otherwise, when the source is an "External Audio File" you have to fill the track info manually.


    We cannot set the track title through a shortcode parameter.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    thanks I think I'm good to go except the sticky player feature doesn't seem to be working even though I've turned on "continuous play" under sticky player.  When I go to a new page after listening to a track and come back it resets to the beginning of the track.  Is there something else I need to do to enable this?

    Attached files:  Screen Shot 2023-11-15 at 11.45.08 AM.png

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Chad,

    The continuous player only work with the sticky player. You have set the shortcode parameter"sticky_player" to "false"


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    yes, I've set sticky player to "false" its the default so all of my shortcodes say false but when I listen to the track and pause then navigate away to another page on the website and come back to the same track it resets to the beginning.  see screen shot and check this page:


    Attached files:  Screen Shot 2023-11-15 at 2.54.45 PM.png

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Woops I meant to set the shortcode parameter"sticky_player" to "true". Sorry for my mistake. 
    The continuous player works only with the sticky so the sticky player has to  be enable.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    ok thanks seems to be working now, the only problem is that ever since I turned on Sticky Player my site isn't loading.  Do I need to increase php or bandwidth or something to account for this?

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Chad, 
    I dont get why you are saying "it seems ot be working now" if the site is not loading at all. What is the issue exactly? You dont need to increase php or bandwidth.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    sticky player is working but when I edit a page or navigate to another page on the site its not loading.  it's bogged down by something and it's not the internet connection since I don't have problems loading other sites.  Do you think it's possible that the sticky player could be conflicting with my page builder Optimize Press?

    Attached files:  Screen Shot 2023-11-16 at 10.33.03 AM.png

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    I don have any issue on my side as you can see on the video capture I did. 
    Sorry if I took the control of the page editor from you.



    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Chad replied

    disregard that last message, it's a sever issue.  thanks

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    You are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew