  Public Ticket #3519658


  • tomi started the conversation

    Hi, on my WP admin, there was a playlist menu.

    But suddenly it was disappeared and now it's included with [ALL TRACKS] menu. 

    Is this weired or normal? 

    And I've handling 500,000 mp3 files and it's really uncomfortable to 

    (1) upload bulk files of mp3

    (2) make a playlist. I have to check a lot of files on only one track....maybe I will show you how I am doing this. 

    I want you to improve (1) make a playlist with bulk files

    Attached files:  playlis00.jpg

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    The "All Playlist" menu has been renamed for "All Tracks", its the same menu but only the label has been renamed.

    The best way to manage and organize your tracks is by adding 1 track per post, and assigning categories or tags to each of your posts to classify your tracks per playlist (categories). it will be much less ressource consuming than creating 1 post with hundreds of tracks in it.

    You can bulk create tracks by going to wp-admin > mp3 player > tools > Bulk Playlist Creation


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew