  Public Ticket #3519669
503 server errors


  • tomi started the conversation

    Hi, now its getting worse and worse after I uploaded 18,000 files.

    I am handling about 500, 000 files and even more.

    I have to make a playlist with many mp3 files on ONE PLAYLIST.

    Sometimes it's like more than 1,000 files for only one playlist.

    It causes unconvenience and some errors.

    What my process is like this. 

    1. I need to arrange mp3 files under only one folder in order to do ease my work.

    2. I have to add folder name to all of single mp3 files in order to find my mp3 files easily when I use MP3 Player > tools to make a new playlist.

    3. file upload using FTP (Filizilla)

    4. Using new plugin named [add from server] to add new files to wordpress server.

    5. (1) Go to mp3 player > tools menu

        (2) select ALL options. I have to wait quite long time. Because I have more than 18,000 mp3 files and system should read these files. I personally think this is very uncomfortable.

       => And now i'ts error again and again. Maybe I have too many files.

       (3) After all files read, then I put my search keyword...usually folder name and re-orderd files.

      (4) Check all the files and make a new playlist with many files.

    6. Go to ALL TRACKS menu and edit track.

    7. Go to NEW POST menu and make a new post with mp3 playlist[block]

    8. Now it's done. 

    I think this is very uncomfortable.

    If I can make a playlist on my post editing option and select as many mp3 files as I want and then upload a lot of mp3 files at once, then it's more convenient.

    My opinion.

    I think when I make a new playlist, then I want to upload a lot of mp3 files at once. I wish I can select and add several files even more than 1,000 files under one folder. Right now I can add only one mp3 file one by one. Of course you support excel file but its useless for me.

    Attached files:  503 error.jpg

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    We dont recommend creating 1 playlist with hundreds of tracks into it.

    What we recommend is creating 1 "playlist post" with 1 track each, and assign each of your post a specific category.

    THEN, when you create your player, you will be able to select category(ies) to fetch into the player.

    In addition, we have an lazy load pagination option available that will make the tracklists with hundreds to loa much faster. more info here: https://sonaar.io/docs/lazyload/


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew