  Public Ticket #3523749
Editing Home page featured artist Image


  • Phil started the conversation

    Hi, I can't find how to edit the "Featured Artis " image section just above Albums. See attached screenshots.

    I can locate the image  in the Elementor navigator. I can highlight the image with the navigator but see no way to edit the image. No way to select a different image. Its the background image behind the "McDougal Wallace" Text. 

    If I look at the other WordPress editor, there is a background type dropdown. But it doesn't appears anything was set with that  editor.  Se attached.

    Thank you for your help!

    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 5.27.51 PM.png
      Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 5.39.31 PM.png

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Phil, 

    If you wanna change the artist featured image, you have to edit the artist post. The screenshot you have provided is from the home page. Please edit artist post and you will see the artist feautured image.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Phil replied

    Hi Alex,

    I'm referring to the featured artist image on the home page. 

    We have the header image which is managed by Revolution Slider. Followed under that with an Essential Grid of featured artist images that link to the artist posts for each.  Below that Essential Grid we have an image section titled "Featured Artist" A full width image.  The one I refer to in the screenshots.  I know how to edit the text over that image VIA the Elementor Editor.  The text as shown on the screenshot is "The Guess Who's McDougal Wallace".   That image (I asume) is a background image for that section. 

    However, I see no way to change that image either VIA the Elementor Editor, or from the Page in the dashboard.

    I can locate the section and see it outlined when selected in the Elemntor Editor. But there's no obvious setting to change the image. When I right click on the image I see an edit option that does nothing. 

    Attached are two screenshots. One the initial editor you see when you first select "edit" for the home page. The second image is what I see after selecting the Elementopr Editor and select that image section VIA the Elementor Editor.

    I'm obviously missing something  I hop you can help. 



    Attached files:  Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 9.39.06 AM.png
      Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 9.41.36 AM.png

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Phil, 

    You are almost there. You have to select the "style" and you will see the background option.

    See here


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Phil replied

    Hi Alex,
