Per the listed services that you provide, your website claims it's possible to stream an Icecast station through the Mp3 player:
Full Icecast Support
Want to broadcast your Icecast stream on our player ? No problem! Users can easily access live or recorded streams and view important information such as the current track title, radio station info, and album image cover of the current playing track.
Can you tell me how to set this up? When I add a music player, I only see options to add current playlist/podcast episodes.
Any clarification here would be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance!
Per the listed services that you provide, your website claims it's possible to stream an Icecast station through the Mp3 player:
Full Icecast SupportWant to broadcast your Icecast stream on our player ? No problem! Users can easily access live or recorded streams and view important information such as the current track title, radio station info, and album image cover of the current playing track.
Can you tell me how to set this up? When I add a music player, I only see options to add current playlist/podcast episodes.
Any clarification here would be extremely helpful. Thanks in advance!
Go to wp-admin>mp3 player>Add new
Give a name
Select Icecast as the Souce file
And insert the Icecast feed
Now you have created the episode post, insert a mp3 player element to a page content and select this you post you have created
Alexandre from the Crew