  Public Ticket #3575076


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    grant started the conversation

    Hi, I am trying to setup Analytics to track audio player statistics as per your guide: https://sonaar.io/docs/use-google-analytics-to-track-audio-player-statistics/

    However there is no Event Parameter in GA4 called event_label when trying to setup the custom dimension.



  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Just before we troubleshoot this further, are you required to use Google Analytics for your project? Google Analytic is very advanced. If you just want to track stats, we strongly recommend using Matomo instead which is more open source and MUCH more easier to use.

    Matomo, formerly known as Piwik, is a popular open-source web analytics platform that offers a range of features for tracking and analyzing website traffic and user behavior.

    MP3 Audio Player Pro integrates Matomo seamlessly and allows you to see how many times your track have been played or downloaded. All Free!

    Download Matomo for WP!

    There is more. If you are a professional and want powerful insights into how your audience listens to your audio, Matomo has a premium addon called Media Analytics.

    With Media Analytics, you can obtain more advanced metrics such as who and how often a media was played, the duration for which they played it, real-time reports of interactions with your audio content, etc.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •  1
    grant replied

    Thanks for the heads up,

    We have recently invested in analytics work so I would like to try and use analytics for the reporting if possible in the first instance.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    I recommend you check with the Google Analytic support why you don't see Event Parameter called event_label. We don't have access to your google account and its the first time I hear about this


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew