  Public Ticket #3588868
Call To Action column


  • Alex started the conversation


    No matter how I format the column widths, I can't seem to make it so that all of the call to action buttons are showing without having to hover over the 3 dots. Is it possible to have more than two CTA buttons showing without hover over?

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    make sure to set a proper width for your CTA column here: https://drops.sonaar.io/i/imVHyE


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alex replied

    Hi Max,

    I was doing this,  but have now noticed that it works once I save the page and come off the editing, but doesn't work when editing.


  • Alex replied

    Hi Max,

    Just a feature request as a side note for a possible future update - having the option to have a dropdown with each track in the player to show alternative versions. We run a music library and sell 30s, 60s, B, C versions of each track and it would be great if they could be shown in a dropdown on a music player.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    As a reference, dDo you have a site example where they do what you are looking for ?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alex replied

    Sure, here you go. 

    When you click on one of the icons next to a track, it has a drop down to play and link to alternative versions.


  • Alex replied


    Sorry to bother you yet again! Still learning about all this web dev stuff.

    I'm having an issue return, where the favourites page works fine for non-logged in users, but for logged-in users, the tracklist is reversed and for some reason turns grey when a track is playing. All settings seem to be correct and no caching is active on the website.

    We've discussed this before and it seemed to go away by itself but now it's returned all of a sudden, with no recent changes to the website. 

    I'll continue to try to find the issue but just mentioning in case you had any ideas.

  •   Max replied privately
  •   Alex replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I have disabled reverse tracklist for your favorite player : https://drops.sonaar.io/i/hfbIGF 

    and now the orders seems correct. see screenshot: https://drops.sonaar.io/i/zq8GLy


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alex replied


    Yes this works for logged in users (still turns grey when after clicking play, for some reason), but it now plays in reverse for non-logged in users

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    It turns grey because a background color is set for the active state. see screenshot https://drops.sonaar.io/i/owxVWa

    For the order, I think (not 100% sure tho), its an issue with how Wordpress deals with published dates.

    I see that for the 3 tracks I have added in my playlist, that they have all the same published dates

    2023/01/01 at 00:03

    and they have also the same time. (so basically, they have been all published during the same minutes).

    Could you try to set a different date and time to see if thats the culprit ?


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alex replied

    Hi Max,

    So I set the time of the song upload to the first song in the favourites being uploaded latest, so it goes 00.04, 00.03, 00.02 and that seems to work for those 3 tracks to play in that order, so I guess this does have something to do with it.

    However, when I favourite songs from other albums alongside those 3 tracks, the order is then messed up again. Obviously I can't have all the songs published at a certain time in a way that is always going to coincide with how and what users decide to favourite - is there a solution?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    q: However, when I favourite songs from other albums alongside those 3 tracks, the order is then messed up again

    a: are those tracks published date is different for each of them ? make sure the date (not the time) is different for all your post tracks.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alex replied

    Hi Max,

    Yes the published dates are all different for the tracks. The only way it goes in order is if the tracks are published in the order I want them to be in, but of course this would be impossible to control when users are favouriting lots of random tracks.

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Unfortunately, its not possible to display the favorites tracks by the order they get added. They will always get the order of the published date.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alex replied

    I'm not trying to display them in a certain order, I don't mind which order they are in. I just want the player to play the right song.. At the moment the player is playing all of the songs backwards, I click play on one song name and it plays the song from the bottom of the player instead, only for non-logged in users. I'm not trying to re-order anything, just trying to get the correct song to play

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    could you please check now if its correctly working?

    I think the issue was related to your object cache plugin. I deactivated it and reactivated it and somehow, it works now.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Alex replied

    Strange, I've done that a bunch of times and had it deactivated completely and it still wasn't working, seems to be ok now though!

    Only other thing is that the player is still turning grey when a song is playing for logged-in users. I've deactivated all 'hover' and 'active' settings on the player's layout design, but still seems to be turning grey for me when logged in.

  •  1,115


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew