  Public Ticket #3590568
I can't search my beats by the name of them


  • Jaime started the conversation

    Hi everyone! 

    I have a problem with the search bar! I am MP3 Player Pro user and i cant find of solution of this problem. I can filter my beats normally with Tags and the ACF fields with Instruments, or Moods and Genres. But, i cant search my beats on the search bar by the name of them. 

    Somebody knows the solution of that?

    I will be really grateful! 

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I can't seem to be able to reproduce on my computer. Here it works, see screenshot https://drops.sonaar.io/i/i1nFJg

    Could you please elaborate on the steps to reproduce the issue on my end and I will check this for you.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew