Hi, May I ask how you integrated the Twitter X icon? As far as I know, this icon isn't available in Elementor's icon libraries. From what I see, the icon uses Font Awesome 5 CSS classes, and the new Twitter icon is only available with Font Awesome 6.
The FontAwesome 6 Library is already loaded through the Sonar theme, but icons within Elementor elements can't reach it. I presume Elementor will make it possible soon.
Until that day, here a work around. Please go to wp-admin>theme options>custom css/js And add this code in the custom css field:
Hi Maik, Sorry but i was confused, the fontawesome library is not yet updated to version 6. So I have install the plugin Head and Footer and I have add this line here to import the fontawesome 6.
Please disable the head & footer plugin after the next theme update. It will be not required.
Hi Maik, You cant update the Fontawesome library by yourself. Which icon do you want? And are you talking about the libray from elementor or from Sonaar?
The Twitter (X) Icon doesnt work by the social Icons.
May I ask how you integrated the Twitter X icon? As far as I know, this icon isn't available in Elementor's icon libraries. From what I see, the icon uses Font Awesome 5 CSS classes, and the new Twitter icon is only available with Font Awesome 6.
Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew
thanks for your answer. And how do i get the FontAwesome 6 Libary?
The FontAwesome 6 Library is already loaded through the Sonar theme, but icons within Elementor elements can't reach it. I presume Elementor will make it possible soon.
Until that day, here a work around.
Please go to wp-admin>theme options>custom css/js
And add this code in the custom css field:
i.fab.fa-x-twitter {
font-family: 'Font Awesome 6 Brands';
.fa-x-twitter:before {
content: "\e61b";
Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew
i did the code in the CSS/JS.
but i still cannot see the twitter icon.
Can you please allow to Sonaar Sonaar user administrator role.
Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew
Hi Maik,
Sorry but i was confused, the fontawesome library is not yet updated to version 6.
So I have install the plugin Head and Footer and I have add this line here to import the fontawesome 6.
Please disable the head & footer plugin after the next theme update. It will be not required.
Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew
Hi Maik,
You cant update the Fontawesome library by yourself.
Which icon do you want?
And are you talking about the libray from elementor or from Sonaar?
Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew