  Public Ticket #3629402
Player Waveform Display


  • Keary Suska started the conversation

    Generated waveform is tiny--only 6 pixels high and maybe a fifth of the allocated width. WP 6.4.4 on Astra Theme with Elementor Free 3.21 (Chrome & Safari--haven't tested other browsers)

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Please save your settings by going to wp-admin > mp3 player > settings a first time.

    Tell me if it works after you saved it.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Keary Suska replied

    I did not get an initial settings wizard like other plugins do, but I did go to settings, tweak a few things. Changing the waveform size seemed to do the trick. It now looks like it should. Thanks.