  Public Ticket #1743111
I can't get the theme to install on my first Sonaar Client's WP install


  • Sterling started the conversation

    My client has GoDaddy Deluxe cPanel hosting and not sure why having this issue when my initial awesome Sonaar test demos that I built out to play with all demo imports and page building functionality etc were seamless but now I keep getting https://cl.ly/68f9bd340fac http://www.recklessinvegas.us/ (this my original site build of theirs 4 years ago w the LIVE musician based theme) but trying to import Sonaar and start rebuilding to show him a new sample link by monday.  I downloaded the latest version per my account page, and still getting this error.  Can you pls advise what may be the issue?

    I can send FTP and or wp admin login if helps

    BIG UPS Sonaar Fam!!

  •   Sterling replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Sterling,

    Perhaps you miss server ressources on your hosting..Perhaps its a max_execution_time limit that's not high enough or either you have a conflict with one of the activated plugin. If you can provide me access to your FTP, Ill be able to check more details about this error by checking the error.log file.



    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  •   Sterling replied privately
  •  1,115
    Max replied


    I have manually uploaded the theme into wp-content/themes/ As you can see on the screenshot: https://d.pr/i/sWRgJE

    However, the theme doesnt show up in your dashboard which make me think that perhaps its not the correct FTP associated with the correct domain name http://recklessinvegas.com/

    As you can see, you have a lot of themes installed.. but in your ftp, there is only 4 !


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sterling replied

    Oh wow Maxime, I'm not sure how you even got into recklessinvegas.COM I sent you the FTP for


    The .com I thought we still had hosted on Dreamhost hosting. I will look into but we need Sonaar in the WP content folder for recklessinvegas.us   It's the same WP login info (I cloned and migrated .com to GoDaddy hosting and the new .us)

    Oh I see Sonaar in recklessinvegas.us now that I logged in... and it activates fine GRT!


    I am still not sure how to setup some single videos... do you happen to have a rev slider Zip export file with a great single video display?  Maybe this file https://demo.sonaar.io/mandala/video-youtube-channel/ and I could just delete out all but one of the videos?

    And did you say there was a way to import single pages (so I don't overwrite the current content)?


  •  1,115
    Max replied


    Have you imported the demo of your choice first? its often the best way to get started...

    When importing the demo, you'll get all the sliders, ess grid, pages, menu, theme options, etc.. and your site will looks exactly like the demo you have imported.

    To setup single video, I see that you've set up a youtube video here: https://d.pr/i/DxcBsu

    I'm not quiet sure what you are looking for exactly.

    To import single pages, you must import all the pages. See this article and go directly to Option 2: Manual Install: https://sonaar.ticksy.com/article/12413


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Sterling replied

    Heyyyy Maxime!

    So if I import a Demo it def won't write over his current content and pages??

    For the YouTube single video setups, the one you see is from his previous WP site build and we don't want the standard cheesy looking youtube style embed, more like the modern ones I usually build out with other themes like my https://thewebstylist.com http://richyfilms.com/ http://stratofilms.com

    Any suggests how best to do any similar lightbox modern style video setups w Sonaar or Rev Slider?

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Hi Sterling,

    If you import the demo "manually" by following option 2: manual install, it will not write over your current content and pages. so make sure you DONT use the wp-admin > tools > demo content install as this option will overwrite all your content.

    For the lightbox, you perhaps can acheive this will rev slider..but ill recommend that you use a plugin for that. Never tried tho.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew