  Public Ticket #2528796


  • Ernesto started the conversation

    Salve ho aggiornato la mia licenza a tutti temi e ho scaricato il file zip, vorrei sapere se per questo posso scaricare qualsiasi tema e per siti diversi?

    Cosa vuol dire la licenza di 1 anno? dopo un anno devo pagare ancora per i template o scade solo l'assistenza?


  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Sorry, we only speak english my friend. Sorry


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    I understand, and who does not speak English should not buy from you?

    Hi I have updated my license to all themes and downloaded the zip file, I would like to know if with to I find all themes already preloaded

    What does the 1 year license mean? after a year do i still have to pay for the templates or does the support only expire?

    Thank you

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Ernesto da Silva, 

    I hope one day, we will be able to support customers in their own languages, but until then, thanks to goolge translate.

    I m not sure to understand well your question about demos. You can only impot one demo per site. 
    Here our documentation about demo importation. https://sonaar.ticksy.com/article/12413

    This product is a one-time fee and it also includes 1 year of updates and support. After 1 year, you will be able to renew for 1 additional year of update and support. If you don't want to renew, you can cancel your subscription at any time and your product will still work!


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    Thank you very much, I replied this way to his friend because I did not like the way he replied to me but it was not a controversy. Also because it is not the first time that I open an inclusive ticket I spoke to him he always replied in English I was translating with google, I just don't understand why now he can't do it I know very well that it is impossible to talk to everyone in the original language.
    thank you very much.

      my other question is seeing that I have updated my license for all themes, once I enter the license key, do I already find all the preloaded themes? or do I have to choose at the time of installation?
    Thank you

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Ernesto, 

    Once you have insert your new license key.
    All demos should be available through the wp-admin>tools>demo content install
    But, because you have used another license first, you probably have to clear transient. 
    To clear transient you have use a third part plugin as https://wordpress.org/plugins/artiss-transient-cleaner/
    If you provide a login credential to the wp-admin, I will do it for you.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    thank you very much, I still have to do it because the first one is on another site, I just wanted to understand before starting. If anything if it doesn't work I write it. Thanks so much

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    If the other license key is applied on another site, you will not need to clear transient.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    Ok. Thanks so much

  • Ernesto replied

    Hi I have installed the Apex theme but it does not give me the possibility to change the home image even the name, immediately I thought it was the server time given the error it gave me when I install the demo because in the past I had the same problem then they increased my time so I solved the problem.

    But this time no. I tried installing Outlander and Mandala too and these two didn't give me this problem, I just like installing the Apex theme. What could be the problem? Thank you

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Ernesto
    Are you importing the theme demo from a fresh WordPress installation? If not, please try to install the theme demo from a fresh installation. If it still does not work, please provide me access to your wp-admin and I'll check the issue you have. You might have to provide me access to your FTP as well.


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    Yes Yes I'm importing the theme demo into a new Wordpress installation

  • Ernesto replied

    If you need to send the credentials to enter. Let me know
    Thank you

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    Yes please, I will check whats wrong. Send me access to your WordPress dashboard please.


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    Ok. I reinstall Apex because I had installed Mandala to see if the problem was the server

  • Ernesto replied

    DIRECTADMIN E FTP principale database 

     USERNAME: uxtgyzxj PASSWUORD: QuintaDju2012

    HOST: ernestodasilva.com






    later I send you attached the screenshot of the page where I don't like it because it asks me to set everything.

  •  678
    Alexandre replied


    I m think you are trying to edit some element from the Slider Revolution with the elementor editor.
    Are you trying to edit those elements https://d.pr/free/i/V92YNG ???

    If this it the case, you have to go to wp-admin>Slider Revolution
    And edit Banner01 https://d.pr/free/i/PFrA6L


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    I succeeded, I'm working
    Thanks so much

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    You are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    Hi I would like to change the link of the BE SOCIAL icons that is displayed below the page but I can't find where to change or disable them? Is there a plugin I need to install that you used to insert them?
    Thank you

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hi Ernesto,

    The footer is built with elementor. Please go to wp-admin>footer
    And edit here the footer with elementor.
    In the elementor editor you will be able to edit those social media buttons.  


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    Hi I need some information, I would like to use the video landing page as the main one when you type in the address of my site that is the first you see and then take you to the home page.
    How should I do?

    Another thing to change the social buttons at the top right where I find it because on the footers it makes me change those at the bottom.

    thanks a lot

  •  1,115
    Max replied


    you can decice which page to show in front-page of your website by going to WP-Admin > Settings > Reading and select the page of your choice as Front-Page.

    EDIT: For the top icons, go to WP-Admin > Theme Options > Menu Options and scroll down to Hot Links at the bottom.

    hope it helps,


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    Thanks a lot I solved. I had the same problem with the first site I did with the Symphony theme I will try to do the same will proceed for that too.
    Thank you

  •  1,115
    Max replied

    You are welcome


    Max from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    Sale un problema a cambiare i pulsnte socal in vertical a destra sulla tema Symphony, sono riuscito a cambiare qullo in orisontle in alto a dstra opzioni menu/Hot Links  anche quello in basso su footers. in vece vquello in verticale non riesco a trovarlo.


  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    Hello Ernesto, 

    Those buttons are built with the elementor editor on the homepage https://d.pr/i/7xXCAO


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew

  • Ernesto replied

    done. thank you so much

  •  678
    Alexandre replied

    You are welcome


    Alexandre from the Sonaar.io Crew