
Public Tickets

Mike Ostrow Pre-purchase questionClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 24, 2019 at 5:30pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:You should buy the theme (each theme demos are built using Elementor).The elementor templates addons are only additional design templates. They don't includes functionality (such as audio player, ... Gilberto Da Rocha Vera Plantilla AVADA ¿Compatible con Sonaar?Closed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 23, 2019 at 7:30pm   7 Most recent comment from Gilberto Da Rocha Vera:Ok!Gracias por la información Jennifer Spoelma Multiple Header MenusClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 18, 2019 at 3:44pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,Our menu system does not allow to have different menus. I never had to built a website using different menu so I cant really recommend any plugin..im sorry Brian Monarch Want events to not link to anything, only the buy tickets link should be clickableClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 17, 2019 at 2:52pm   9 Most recent comment from Max:To duplicate posts (eg event post), I recommend the free plugin Duplicate Post https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicate-post/Currently, there is no way to have a multiple-day events im afraid. Jeff Weidner Why are these boxes different sizesClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 16, 2019 at 8:20pm   4 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:You are welcome BLANDY MAX never answers to problemsClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 16, 2019 at 2:32pm   5 Most recent comment from Max:C'est bizzard car nous n'avons que 2 tickets de votre part: https://d.pr/i/YasPh0Quel est votre problème exactement ?Ou en êtes vous pour que je puisse vous guider? Vous pouvez égalemen ... Nick Harvey I can't see the album artwork on playlist pageClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 15, 2019 at 5:28pm   9 Most recent comment from Max:No problem ! After 15 years in WP development, im still learning every day cheers francesco traversi Elementor add-onClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 11, 2019 at 2:41pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,Elementor Templates Add-on is not required. It's only a bonus pack. Here are some infos about our Elementor Templates Kit: * It's an ADD-ON to your current theme! The kit is an awesome l ... Nick Harvey Colour of text in form entry boxClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 10, 2019 at 10:18am   2 Most recent comment from Nick Harvey:Please ignore. I've figured it out now! DB Cooper SupportClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 8, 2019 at 1:25pm   1 Most recent comment from DB Cooper:Hello!I bought the Sonaar set of themes earlier this year, and have not had the proper time to build a site. Family emergencies and the like have conspired to keep me from developing my design for a ... GertJan van Schuppen Sorting eventsClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 7, 2019 at 2:26pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,Unfortunately, we dont have an option to sort the past events in that way. However, If more users request it, we will add this to our roadmap indeed. Cal Logo placementClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 7, 2019 at 12:46am   8 Most recent comment from Cal:Thank you for your assistance! Being completely new to this I am just realizing there is a difference between theme global settings and individual page settings.   Jelani MailchimpClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 4, 2019 at 3:27pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Unfortunately, that is not possible with this widget.Perhaps use Elementor PRO's form widget which allows what you need. Christian Store listClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 2, 2019 at 11:32pm   4 Most recent comment from Max:I'm confused. I don't quiet understand what you need? Can you show me example?  Cochise Genet mp3 playerClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated October 1, 2019 at 1:34pm   10 Most recent comment from Max:You can upgrade to All Theme Access if you want to get access to Promote team for 20$. You can upgrade by going to your Sonaar.io account > My Account and upgrade your license key to All Theme Acces ...