
Public Tickets

Filali Problem installation themeClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated November 9, 2020 at 2:41pm   5 Most recent comment from Max:Hi Filali, Elementor free is fine. You can update to Elementor Pro if you wish to use the Elementor Pro features but they are not required to use our theme. If you mean to change the albums in slider ... John Romein Google search console error - suspect revolution slider needs updating - how?Closed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated November 9, 2020 at 2:22pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,Im not quiet familiar with Google Search console error regarding your website. Perhaps you can hire a SEO expert or webmaster in order to check carefully the UX errors and their impacts they have o ... EDGAR Ayala pardo the player does not appear on my website.Closed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated November 9, 2020 at 2:13pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,Oh, it should works! Could you please elaborate on how to reproduce this issue on my computer? Also please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have. Filippo technical question about MP3 Player for wordpressClosed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated November 9, 2020 at 2:10pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,Yes it will works with stream as well. Tom Watson Music Playlist Autoplay & ChromeClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated November 7, 2020 at 12:40pm   3 Most recent comment from Tom Watson:Ok, I will test it on another computer. It wasn't working in Chrome on my computer when I tested it after clicking around or scrolling. I have the auto-play enabled in Chrome though so I don& ... Chris Backend LagClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated November 6, 2020 at 3:18pm   19 Most recent comment from Chris:That’s fine. I just didn’t know if there was a hook for it or class to look for to toggle the button.  Elizabeth Greene Setting mp3 volume in sticky playerClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated November 6, 2020 at 2:43pm   6 Most recent comment from Max:Hi, its currently not possible to have times after the playlist title automatically. A workaround would be that you manually add the times directly in the title fields of each of your tracks. Heidi Vincent The player has some glitches when using in WPClosed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated November 6, 2020 at 12:19am   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi there, Can you send me screenshot and also page url where I can see the 2 players so I can reproduce the same issue on my computer screen? If you could also please provide me access to your wp-ad ... Marco Colnaghi Video landing pagesClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated November 5, 2020 at 2:53pm   2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hello Marco, Please go to wp-admin>theme options>post settingsAnd select "none" as the "Single video default sidebar" option.https://d.pr/i/8YO08t Milan van Eck Icecast radioClosed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated November 5, 2020 at 2:07pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,you cannot automatically import the infos from a media link.you must manually enter the image cover, song info and artist in the playlist or the player.Please watch this video tutorial to get start ... Tim Auto-playClosed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated November 5, 2020 at 2:24am   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi Tim,Since around 1 year, auto-play is a settings controlled by the user browsers. As a webmaster, you cannot force a user to auto-play a music when page is loading.1) The user must have interacted ... Marquell Hammonds Import Demo with LiteSpeed ServerClosed Get Started with the Theme   Updated November 4, 2020 at 6:17pm   16 Most recent comment from Max:Excellent. thanks for sharing Jake Stebbings EventsClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated November 4, 2020 at 6:04pm   17 Most recent comment from Max:Hi Jake,The themes are different so you cant have exactly the same thing.but please use this custom css to have the event title centered into your event row:@media (min-width: 769px){.sr_it-event-titl ... Nicolò Bulk events uploadClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated November 4, 2020 at 5:45pm   4 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Thanks to have shared this with us. Very appreciate. Tom Watson Essential Grid not working with Continuous Music Player After Recent UpdateClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated November 3, 2020 at 2:28pm   12 Most recent comment from Max:Great! have a good day Tom