Public Tickets All Categories MP3 Audio Player Plugin (7) Get Started with the Theme (0) Troubleshooting the Theme (0) General Help on the Theme (4) Podcast Help on the Theme (0) Ali Foomani Minifying CSSClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 16, 2020 at 11:50pm 9 Most recent comment from Max:Opps here we go:'T FORGET TO UNZIP THE FILE ON YOUR COMPUTER FIRST AND UPLOAD THE JSON FILE INTO WP ROCKET*** DON'T FORGET TO UNZIP THE FILE ON YOUR COMPUTER FIRST ... RJ trouble installing demosClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 16, 2020 at 11:31pm 7 Most recent comment from Max:Apex: to import a theme demo, upload in ... GertJan van Schuppen Padding blogposts / ElementorClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 15, 2020 at 7:29pm 4 Most recent comment from Max:Unfortunately, Elementor's widget has its own CSS and the standard wordpress editor has also its own CSS so they dont react the same way.The only way to make it identical is to adjust the elemen ... tims Theme menu and audio player not showing properlyClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 14, 2020 at 4:32pm 7 Most recent comment from tims:I have checked it out on my studio pc and it displays properly. thank you joe stripe conflict formatting cssClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 14, 2020 at 2:43pm 8 Most recent comment from Max:ok Raf Cardenas License key field emptyClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 13, 2020 at 8:08pm 3 Most recent comment from Raf Cardenas:All set, thanks. GertJan van Schuppen Can I change this templates?Closed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 10, 2020 at 4:12pm 3 Most recent comment from GertJan van Schuppen:Thanks! GertJan van Schuppen Too much white space on mobileClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 9, 2020 at 6:34pm 2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,you can adjust everything with custom CSS. Unfortunately, coding / offering custom CSS and website personalisation is beyond the scope of our free support. However, we do offer now a service to hel ... GertJan van Schuppen Problem with (re)naming URLClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 9, 2020 at 4:18pm 3 Most recent comment from GertJan van Schuppen:Hi!Yes I found it a little before your reply!Thanks.GertJan JClay VideosClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 8, 2020 at 2:33pm 6 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Sorry JClay,We cant change the dedicate video archive url. Me Multiple h1, disable autoplay, smooth scrollingClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 6, 2020 at 5:01pm 2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hi there, 1. No worries about the h1. Each event list elements are made as a Article. Each Article can have a H1. 2.You have to edit the audioplayer with elementor And disable popup player in foote ... Tom Watson H1 Heading Tags for Playlist Player Titles cause SEO issueClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated January 2, 2020 at 6:46pm 15 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,There is only 2 H1 on your homepage. the second H1 is the footer continuous player but this is a false positive. it wont affect your seo rank because its in a different section Robey Music - Parallax Ordering SongsClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated December 27, 2019 at 1:07am 2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,To order your playlist, reorganize your publish date of your playlist in the order you want. see video: Sidney stream not workingClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated December 23, 2019 at 5:11pm 2 Most recent comment from Max:Ill close this ticket to avoid confusion because of duplication via the live chat. sunam theme errorClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated December 23, 2019 at 5:04pm 2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,What is your website address so I can check. I cant see your webpage here: 1 4748495051525354555657 75