Public Tickets All Categories MP3 Audio Player Plugin (7) Get Started with the Theme (0) Troubleshooting the Theme (0) General Help on the Theme (4) Podcast Help on the Theme (0) bitmobius Elementor Sonaar Addons BUGClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated May 2, 2020 at 6:35pm 2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hi, Could you please remove the current 'Elementor Sonaar Addons' and re-install it.If the issue persist please provide a login credential to the wp-admin. Abel Bascunana How to add a new Custom Field in PlaylistClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated May 2, 2020 at 1:17pm 3 Most recent comment from Abel Bascunana:Apologies i didn't see the Enter New below the text field. You can close this one.Thanks, nicole woocommerce - product dataClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated May 1, 2020 at 12:32am 8 Most recent comment from Max:Yes it's 100% compatible with Woocommerce. A lot of our users use Woocommerce with it. The issue you have is your plugin I have mentioned earlier (not Elementor Page Builder, but the other one.. ... Deirdre B Downlading audio from a playlistClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 30, 2020 at 8:57pm 6 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:You are welcome. I m glad you appreciate the work around solution. rickstephenrick May photos not showing on mobile devicesClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 30, 2020 at 7:03pm 4 Most recent comment from rickstephenrick May:Thanks,scroll down. there should be photos in the music section and "news" section but I don't see you? I have android phone. rickstephenrick May Slider Revolution out of dateClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 29, 2020 at 2:38pm 4 Most recent comment from Max:Hello Ricky,The new version of Revolution Slider has a bug that prevent us updating it for our user. In fact, it does not allow javascript in it, and we relay on Javascript calls to launch audio playe ... Hiral Video grid not working in my websiteClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 29, 2020 at 2:11pm 4 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:You are welcome Abel Bascunana Adding an url to Home menu or submenuClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 28, 2020 at 12:50pm 2 Most recent comment from Abel Bascunana:I found this that solved it thanks: Abel Bascunana Popup Builder metabox not displayed on Pages, I can't make shortcode trigger popup OnLoadClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 27, 2020 at 10:56am 3 Most recent comment from Abel Bascunana:Sorry for the delay, I switched to Popup Maker. Thanks for the replay.Abel Alberto San Vicente EditionClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 24, 2020 at 3:57pm 12 Most recent comment from Alberto San Vicente:No se como cerrarlo rickstephenrick May new playlist categories do not displayClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 24, 2020 at 2:29am 4 Most recent comment from rickstephenrick May:You can close this ticket. :) joe woocommerce email footerClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 22, 2020 at 10:11pm 1 Most recent comment from joe:never mind i found it kevin MobileClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 22, 2020 at 6:24pm 7 Most recent comment from Max: Richard DOINEAU Track titleClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 21, 2020 at 7:32pm 8 Most recent comment from Richard DOINEAU:Thank you so much kevin Mobile ViewClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 21, 2020 at 11:11pm 10 Most recent comment from kevin:nevermind I got it working it was the amp plugin and the woo commerc services plugin causing the problems whole time 1 4243444546474849505152 75