Public Tickets All Categories MP3 Audio Player Plugin (7) Get Started with the Theme (0) Troubleshooting the Theme (0) General Help on the Theme (4) Podcast Help on the Theme (0) Chyco Mailchimp API doesn't work with the themeClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 29, 2019 at 5:47pm 16 Most recent comment from RJ Jacob Jacob:That worked! Thank you! Brian Bledsoe Reordering PlaylistClosed General Help on the Theme Updated April 29, 2019 at 12:17pm 2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,You can reorder de tracks by drag and dropping them. See screencast here: RJ Jacob Jacob WP BakeryClosed General Help on the Theme Updated April 26, 2019 at 4:14pm 4 Most recent comment from Max:Excellent RJ !have a nice day Ed Barker Multiple RSS Feed TroubleClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 26, 2019 at 1:12pm 7 Most recent comment from Max:Hi Ed,Im back and ready to check into your issue more carefully.Could you please give me an example of an episode that appear in iTunes while it should not? GertJan van Schuppen I want deactive the music playerClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 26, 2019 at 12:55pm 2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi there,You can turn off the popup of the footer player by editing your audio player on your homepage. see screenshot: Tim 2nd page with 2nd playerClosed Get Started with the Theme Updated April 26, 2019 at 12:53pm 2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,What you can do is to create 2 different playlist. (eg: playlist part 1 and playlist part 2), and add a "Next" button with Elementor by editing your playlist withe Elementor which you will be able ... Alex Cant install theme "The execution failed.Please check error.logClosed General Help on the Theme Updated April 26, 2019 at 12:51pm 5 Most recent comment from Max:Seem that you got it ! GertJan van Schuppen Changing fontClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 25, 2019 at 3:34pm 2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hi there, The typography>body is the style by default. I can see your font change is applied. most of elements have their own style. which element are you trying to edi ... PagesAndPoets The link you followed has expired. Please try again.Closed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 24, 2019 at 4:26pm 3 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:I dont understand your issue. Sonaar is installed. I can see theCrew design on you url. Jose Edit VideosClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 24, 2019 at 4:19pm 2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hello Jose,Please go to wp-admin>Ess. GridEdit the Youtube - GridClick on the "source" tabAnd change add your youtube channel api Mike Brown tech supportClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 23, 2019 at 3:35pm 2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hi Mike, The dot.png url is broken. Please go to wp-admin>slider revolution.Edit the homepage slider (maybe "banner01"). Select the static layer the image layer� ... Christopher Lucas Audio Skipping on MobileClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 20, 2019 at 12:51pm 17 Most recent comment from Max:Ok Raf Cardenas Past eventsClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 18, 2019 at 2:33pm 2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hi Raf,Events move automatically from upcoming to past Roy Shavit Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'parentNode' of undefinedClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 16, 2019 at 7:52pm 8 Most recent comment from Roy Shavit:Thank you! Christopher Koch Clicking on an episodes doesn't workClosed Troubleshooting the Theme Updated April 16, 2019 at 2:10pm 2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hi there, Please go to wp-admin>setting>permalinksAnd click on save to regenerate permalink.If the issue still persists, please provide a login credential to the wp-admin 1 246247248249250251252253254255256 267