
Public Tickets

Ray Vernon Theme loading slowClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated March 5, 2020 at 4:26pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:HiPlease read this article about speed issues and optimizations: https://sonaar.ticksy.com/article/13839/Also, take notes that in our demo, we use very huge asssets to show maximum of quality. Replace ... John Griffith woocomerce plugin instalationClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated March 5, 2020 at 1:41pm   2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hi john,To re-insatll woocommerce, please go to wp-admim>plugins>add newAnd insert "woocommerce" in the "search plugin" field Freda Xi Lin Music player won't play Spotify songsClosed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated March 4, 2020 at 11:12pm   1 Most recent comment from Freda Xi Lin:Hi thereI bought the pro version and the tracks from spotify are not playing on the page. Please help! RJ beatstars widgetClosed Get Started with the Theme   Updated March 4, 2020 at 10:56pm   5 Most recent comment from RJ:Thank you so much for all your help.  I have the site up and running and I am thrilled with it.  Cheers.  Riley mike tomson Music widget for promote record label themeClosed Get Started with the Theme   Updated March 4, 2020 at 2:47pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:No sorry for the confusion, you must have a beatstars accout if you wish to use the Beatstar player widget. Im refering to this very specific one: https://d.pr/i/9bpmy4You can embed any youtube or s ... Moshe Gersterl soundbar not displayingClosed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated March 4, 2020 at 1:36pm   2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hello Moshe, May I have your url and if possible a login credential to the wp-admin.  Daniel Oyston Theme update issuesClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated March 4, 2020 at 1:34pm   2 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hello, Please go to wp-admin>appearance>install pluginsAnd update "Elementor Sonaar Addon" Brice Sonar Mp3 Pro features not workingClosed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated March 3, 2020 at 6:25pm   8 Most recent comment from Max:try this: http://assets.sonaar.io/extra-templates/elementor-templates-for-mp3-audio-player-pro.zip Steven Mariani Animation don't works on Layout Pages: Elementor CanvasClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated March 3, 2020 at 1:36pm   4 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hello Steven, Could you please update Sonaar to 4.15 and than go to wp-admin>appearance>install pluginsAnd here some plugins update will be required. For investigating wel always ask a administrator ... Nodenot videos don't play anymore on iosClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated March 2, 2020 at 5:06pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,Could you please explain how to reproduce the issue? Does this happens only with our theme or with any themes? daniel benton-smith PlaylistClosed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated February 29, 2020 at 4:46pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:every playlist has its own single playlist page that will show all tracklist. You can check this page by clicking the view button as shown is this screenshot https://d.pr/i/oN3thxhope it helps, Jack Tingey Title not working on mp3 playerClosed MP3 Audio Player Plugin   Updated February 29, 2020 at 4:44pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:HiCould you please provide me access to your wp-admin and I will gladly check the issue you have. Juan Kurtis Add On Templates Will Not InstallClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated February 28, 2020 at 5:56pm   10 Most recent comment from Max:no you dont need to increase it if the issue is resolved GertJan van Schuppen Tabs and eventsClosed General Help on the Theme   Updated February 25, 2020 at 5:39pm   2 Most recent comment from Max:Hi,this is a bit beyond the scope of our support..but you could use elementor templates for this. I did you an example. I have added the event widget in a new template: https://d.pr/i/AqXnAZthen I ha ... Gábor Juhász translate the footerClosed Troubleshooting the Theme   Updated February 24, 2020 at 8:13pm   4 Most recent comment from Alexandre Dubois:Hello, Now you can. I went to wp-admin>languages>setting>Custom post types and TaxonomiesAnd I have check all custom post type.